Intserv Painting is committed to providing a high-quality painting and decorating service to all our clients. Sometimes things go wrong, and we were hoping you could tell us about it as soon as possible. It will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, contact us in the first instance with all the relevant details and photos by filling out the complaints process form, or write to us at 17B Cowper Road, Bournemouth BH9 2UJ, we have eight weeks to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved it within this time, you may complain about the service you received to an Ombudsman or Citizens Advice.
NB: In case of any disagreement, and in compliance with our terms and conditions specified in section 5, (5.7) it is not permissible for the customer to retain any funds owed to the supplier
The supplier may take photographs of your property or complete a pre-existing damage form before the start of the project/service. If we damage your property, and this is a result of our negligence, you will be covered by our insurance for the full amount, and at no time any amount of money shall be deducted from the final invoice. However, claims we can dispute with photo evidence or written agreement will incur a £50 charge per complaint to cover administration costs.